Dr. Andrew Potter receives SHRF Achievement Award
Dec 11, 2017 - Dr. Potter and Dr. Karniychuk were winners at the 2017 Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Santé Awards.

The search continues for TB and JD vaccines
Sep 28, 2017 - "We could be lucky and find our vaccine candidates for bovine tuberculosis and Johne’s disease within a month, or it could take a year and a half. We hope within a two-year window we will have candidates ready to test out in the field.”

VIDO-InterVac releases 2016-2017 Annual Report
Sep 26, 2017 - Through another year, VIDO-InterVac continued to build its reputation as one of Canada’s premier research institutions in the fields of human and animal health, focusing on vaccine and technology development.

Going viral
Jul 14, 2017 - Maybe it starts with a mild fever, a scratch at the back of your throat or a cough you just can’t shake. Nothing a few days of bed rest won’t fix, hopefully. (University of Saskatchewan, On Campus News)

Tackling infectious diseases: Canada’s role in the global effort
May 11, 2017 - Every year infectious diseases emerge that threaten the health of people and animals, and impact the global economy. (Biotechnology Focus)

VIDO-InterVac to field test a bovine TB prototype vaccine in 2 years
May 1, 2017 - Researchers at VIDO-InterVac are working on a vaccine for bovine tuberculosis. An outbreak of the disease last fall has had a devastating effect on some Saskatchewan farmers. (CBC News Saskatoon)

VIDO-InterVac helping to fight Zika virus
Mar 10, 2017 - VIDO-InterVac— the first place in the world to develop a swine model for the study of Zika virus infection—has secured $700,000 for research to investigate how the virus causes disease and to test new drugs and vaccines.

VIDO-InterVac awarded $19.3 million to advance innovation
Jan 9, 2017