mycoplasma under the microscope showing pink and purple

Mycoplasma bovis

Project Team: Jose Perez-Casal, Mohamed Helmy, Tracy Prysliak

Collaborators: Jeff Caswell

Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) can cause chronic bronchopneumonia, mastitis, and arthritis in cattle. The bacterium is mainly controlled by quarantine and antibiotic use as available vaccines are only moderately effective. 

To better protect feedlot cattle, we are developing a vaccine using reverse vaccinology. Several antigens that promote strong humoral and cell-mediated immune responses have been identified. VIDO has established an effective challenge model for M. bovis in cattle which has been used to test efficaciousness of candidate vaccines. Nevertheless, an effective vaccination strategy for M bovis remains a challenge.

Our team is also investigating the impact of M. bovis on host immune cell death and suppression of host immune cell functions.

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Project funding:

  • Results Driven Agriculture Research / Beef Cattle Research Council