Viral vectors for vaccine delivery
Project Team: Suresh Tikoo, Shermila Kulanayake, Vinoth Manoharan, Faryal Dar
Viral vector vaccines are an emerging vaccine platform. This type of vaccine uses an altered, relatively harmless virus to deliver a non-infectious part of a pathogen into a human cell (human vaccines) or animal cell (veterinary vaccines).
Adenoviruses have proven to be highly effective viral vectors that offer a wide range of advantages. For example, they can induce the production of antibodies and a strong cellular immune response from T cells, are cost effective, and can be developed rapidly which could be beneficial for the control of emerging infectious diseases.
Our team is characterizing bovine and porcine adenoviruses to develop them as vectors for the delivery of veterinary vaccines. For example, we are currently developing a viral vectored vaccine that delivers a non-infectious part of the 'African swine fever virus’ genetic material to pigs.