Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

Kari Harvey is CEO of Innovation Saskatchewan where her responsibilities include working with community partners to nurture an environment that supports the success of startup tech companies in the province, and with the research community to ensure Saskatchewan research and commercialization interests are maximized. 

Her 30-year public service career includes senior leadership positions in the Ministry of Agriculture such as Director of the Agri-business Development Branch, Executive Director, Capital and Regional Services with the Saskatchewan Ministry Health, and Executive Council and Office of the Premier as Assistant Deputy Minister, International Relations and Protocol.  Kari is currently a board member with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), the Canadian Light Source (CLS), Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC), and the NRC-IRAP Advisory Council. 

Kari holds a Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration, both from the University of Regina, as well as the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.