Dr. Shaun Wachter PhD
Member Relations Officer - VIDO Post Doctoral Association
Dr. Shaun Wachter is a molecular microbiologist with experience in bioinformatic analyses. His past interests include small RNA discovery and characterization of small RNAs in the obligate intracellular bacterial pathogen Coxiella burnetii. He also established a CRISPR interference-based system for genetic manipulation of C. burnetii. Dr. Wachter is currently interested in the bacterial factors involved in Mycobacterium tuberculosis persistence, both in the context of antibiotic treatment and latency in the host.
Dr. Wachter completed his bachelors degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , after which he received Masters and Doctoral degrees from the Northern Illinois University and the University of Montana, respectively. He recently finished a two-year post doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health: Rocky Mountain Laboratories.