Canada’s Centre for Pandemic Research

VIDO is home to some of the most advanced high-containment research capacity in the world. To help Canada prepare for emerging infectious diseases, we continue to expand our capabilities. As Canada’s Centre for Pandemic Research, we are: 

  • establishing a vaccine manufacturing facility (called the Vaccine Development Centre),
  • increasing our containment level 4 capacity to allow us to work with all infectious diseases,
  • building a new animal housing facility, and
  • attracting new talent to expand our expertise and train the next generation of scientists.

This will allow us to research all pathogens and to rapidly develop vaccines and therapeutics that will help control new infectious diseases, including those with pandemic potential.

Community Consultation:

To help Canada prepare for emerging infectious diseases, we continue to expand our capabilities as Canada’s Centre for Pandemic Research. We are consulting with our local community about the merits of being a pandemic research centre, the key benefits to society, and providing information on risk mitigation. If you would like to learn more about the upgrades, we encourage you to

VIDO works with an independent Community Liaison Committee that includes key leaders from the local community. This committee ensures VIDO is communicating openly and transparently. If you have questions, you can contact VIDO or reach out directly to members of the committee.

Upcoming events: